Love God
Love Others
Love Yourself

About Alena

About Alena

She loves 💕: ☕️ Coffee 📚 Reading 🎶 A Great Jam 🌮 🥑 Tacos and Guacamole 🔥 Convos with Wholehearted Friends around a Fire 🚗🌵Driving (& Worshiping) with the Windows Down in Glorious New Mexico Weather 🏜Traveling to Incredible Views ✨ Shooting Stars and Full Moons 🌙 Being a Night Owl and Sleeping In Late 🏝Watching Sunset Reflected on the Ocean
& Emojis.😉

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About Miniphanies

About Miniphanies

Miniphanies® might feel small, but all the little details in life add up to really big things. A couple of good miniphanies®, and you’ll have a change in lifestyle. When you look for Jesus in your everyday life, you might find the goodness of God in an unexpected wildflower, or an encouraging text from a friend, or the bite of your favorite food. You might find the Spirit nudging you to be kind to a stranger, to take your reusable bag into the store, or asking you to pause for a minute and put down your phone so you can give your undivided attention to your loved one or a podcast or just be fully present in the moment. Any of those moments can be a miniphany, and all of them add up.

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What is a Christian Mystic?

You probably came here with some ideas about what those two words mean. Then, if you search, Google will send you into all kinds of scary rabbit holes. So before it gets crazy, this is how I define a Christian Mystic.

Spiritual vs Religious

Throughout history, kings and queens, pastors and leaders, family members, and next-door neighbors have given Christianity a bad reputation. Whether they used their religious authority as an abuse of power or we just met a good person on their worst day, bad examples often take the spotlight in people’s minds.



I had no idea how much I would be tempted with work and distractions of every kind once I committed to daily quiet time and a weekly Sabbath. It’s been about 9 years, and I’m still not perfect.

If I were to boil down all of my experience into one statement, I would announce confidently that I am simply not the best version of myself without proper rest and Sabbath. I thought that go-go-go was required to accomplish everything in life, but it’s amazing how the upside rules God put in place for us, make us the best version of ourselves. In creating space to pause, to be, to rest, the recharge amps up our ability to hit the ground running again.

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About Miniphanies

About Miniphanies

Miniphanies® might feel small, but all the little details in life add up to really big things. A couple of good miniphanies®, and you’ll have a change in lifestyle. When you look for Jesus in your everyday life, you might find the goodness of God in an unexpected wildflower, or an encouraging text from a friend, or the bite of your favorite food. You might find the Spirit nudging you to be kind to a stranger, to take your reusable bag into the store, or asking you to pause for a minute and put down your phone so you can give your undivided attention to your loved one or a podcast or just be fully present in the moment. Any of those moments can be a miniphany, and all of them add up.

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What is a Christian Mystic?

What is a Christian Mystic?

You probably came here with some ideas about what those two words mean. Then, if you search, Google will send you into all kinds of scary rabbit holes. So before it gets crazy, this is how I define a Christian Mystic.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001, by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

To review fair use guidelines and request permission from Alena Van Dyke Ministries or Miniphanies LLC to quote anything from her creative works at, the Restoring Christianity Podcast, or her book: Return to Love, contact us here.