a voice for
modern Christian living

The Heart of My Story
Hello friend
I am a spiritual pioneer on a journey to know Jesus with all of my being. Along the way, I’ve become a mentor, author, teacher, speaker, podcast hostess, and friend to wounded hearts. Through writing, podcasting, and enjoying deep and meaningful conversations over coffee, I want to encourage you on your journey to seek the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Other than prayer, I run on shots of espresso and avo toast with eggs on top. I am an 8 with a very strong 9 wing and an E(I)NFJ. I’m a night owl and life-long learner. You’ll find me reading, traveling, creating, and listening to worship in my down time, unless I’m chatting with friends around a fire.
As a modern Christian mystic, I believe everything is spiritual.
Meaning, our lives are an outward reflection of our internal state and relationship with God. Biblically, this is sought through the command to pray without ceasing, to keep our eyes on eternal things, and to remember, what we behold we become. (1 Thes 5:16-18, 2 Cor 4:18, 2 Cor 3:18)
I believe everything we do and say is an offering to the Lord (Rom 12:1-2,) therefore, we should be mindful of how our actions and emotions, and thoughts affect our spirit in negative or positive ways. In other words, everything is connected- mind, body, spirit, and soul. In order to be healthy— all areas need our attention.
I have dedicated my life to beholding the Lord and seeking a true and deep understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly follow him. As a young woman, I encountered Jesus and he spoke to me: “tell the world I love them and died for them.” I’ve been on a journey to fulfill that mission ever since. I went on to earn a BA in Religious Studies at the University of New Mexico and then an MA in Spiritual Formation from George Fox Evangelical Seminary. In 2019, I walked through a Job season and gave him everything. I left behind an award-winning career as a wedding planner to dedicate myself full-time to ministry. After a season at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, I deleted my old teachings and podcasts to reconstruct my ministry on the firm foundation of intimacy with Jesus.
After delving as far left and as far right as you can get in Christianity, I sorted through all the religious baggage. I took the best of both worlds and found a place to live authentically in the middle. I teach from a biblical balance between legalism and cheap grace.
Samuel Chadwick said, “The church that is man-managed instead of God-governed is doomed to failure. A ministry that is college-trained but not spirit-filled works no miracles.” Many American churches and pastors are man-managed and college-trained. I desire to be different, and all of the above: led by God while having great follow-through, people skills, and transformational communication, and filled by the Holy Spirit while being a lifelong learner of the one and only Teacher.

My continual spiritual journey
My spiritual journey has taken me to high mountaintops, spiritual valleys, and deserts. Through this, I’ve been broken, gained wisdom, and have developed a deeper relationship with God. As I surrender to God’s will, his way, and his timing, I see more lives changed, prayers answered, and people healed. I want to share the fruit of these lessons with you.
My heart is crying out for believers to wholeheartedly pursue and know Jesus. I believe the biggest thing that stands in the way of knowing him rightly, is toxic religion, false teachings, wounds, and the distraction of many voices. I want to do my part to remove these obstacles and invite others into true and meaningful conversations about real issues in life, faith, and relationships. I believe that it is time to restore Christianity by deconstructing what was made by man and reconstructing our faith around the greatest commandment: loving the Lord with all of your heart, soul, and mind and loving your neighbor as yourself.
We are transformed from the inside out through intimacy with the Lord.
Salvation happens in an instant, but sanctification and walking out our God-given identity is a process.
Come walk with me…

Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Love your neighbor
as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-39