Restoring love & truth
to Christian living

Your invitation

Hello friend!

My name is Alena (Ah-lean-ah). 

I’ve spent my life seeking the Lord and how to love like Jesus. 

Life is messy, especially when you’re seeking the right way to follow him in the midst of religious legalism, a broken heart, and a flood of conflicting opinions. I’ve spent a lot of time sorting through the confusion and chaos to find the peace and presence of God. I believe he’s called me to dedicate the rest of my life to inviting people into his love and helping them wholeheartedly love him in return. 

If you’re also searching for the best and most fulfilling way to live your life, I invite you to journey with me. Let’s laugh and cry and ask questions that expand the God-box together. Let’s search the Bible for his answer to our problems, and trust he is bigger and more beautiful than we could ever hope, dream, or imagine. 

I am a voice crying out in the desert for like-minded believers to come together in wholehearted pursuit of the Lord and living life his way, where everything matters and everything is spiritual. Loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, is both an instantaneous choice and a lifelong process. We take it one step, one day at a time. The little mini-epiphanies make a big difference.

I hope you’ll seek him with me. May the Lord circumcise our hearts and turned them to gold. (Deut 30:6; Rev 3:18)
Your voice, and your healing matter. I invite you to the family. Our experience won’t be as rich without you by our side.

With love,


Wholehearted Follower of Jesus
Restoring Christianity

A voice cries:
“in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

Isaiah 40:3

Available & Coming soon!

Alena’s Library

Return to Love

Restoring the Heart of Christianity

Go on a Journey to Wholehearted Love

God is inviting you to return to love. If you say yes, he will use every season of your life to transform you and fill your heart with gold, especially your desert seasons. He will use the rollercoasters of life to build your faith in his faithfulness. He says you are worthy and wanted, no matter what you’ve done. He deeply delights in you. 

In my first book, I will expand your God-box with mini-epiphanies and help you embrace spirituality over religion – through wholeheartedly embracing the Golden Rule: loving God and loving others as we love ourselves.

Restoring Christianity

ancient truths in common language

Know Him. Love Wholeheartedly. Listen to His heart.

In a time when the heart of the Lord is misrepresented, and the name of Christ misused, Alena Van Dyke is a clarifying voice for modern Christian living. She speaks the truth without hype or hypocrisy. With a gentle and loving approach, she deconstructs religious legalism, lies, and false teachings to uncover wolves in sheep’s clothing. 

In the Restoring Christianity Podcast, Alena and her friends extend an invitation to wholeheartedly love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and reconstruct a healthy, deep, and meaningful faith in the Lord. Staying true to the initial purpose of the formerly known Miniphanies podcast, Alena still shares ancient truths in relatable ways, inspired by everyday experiences. She is a woman full of mini-epiphanies, able to see all the ways that everything is spiritual and everything we do and say has eternal significance.

Alena’s voice will inspire you to live with intention, choose wholehearted love for the Lord over religious legalism, and restore hope that Christianity is still relevant, life-changing, and morally imperative.

Work with Alena

spiritual director | guest preacher | Retreat Leader

Alena’s passion is seeing lives transformed by the Lord. Her teams at Alena Van Dyke Ministries and Pray in the Desert, carry God’s vision for creating, supporting, and blessing houses of prayer and healing where the remnant can come encounter the Holy Spirit. She desires that all would come into knowledge of their true identity as God’s chosen family and walk confidently in their spiritual authority from a place of spiritual intimacy.

She is available to go wherever the Spirit leads.

“A few years back during a church retreat I was leading at Ghost Ranch in northern New Mexico, I had a casual conversation with a conference attendee. That attendee was Alena Van Dyke, and I must confess that after a few more conversations with her, I felt a bit like John the Baptist when Jesus came to be baptized. I felt Alena needed to be leading the conference so I could soak up her wisdom.”

Pastor Charlie Elmore

Albuquerque, NM

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001, by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

To review fair use guidelines and request permission from Alena Van Dyke Ministries or Miniphanies to quote anything from her creative works at, the Restoring Christianity Podcast, or her book: Return to Love, contact us here.

Site by Sparrow Creative Studio. Miniphanies® , Alena Van Dyke 2023. All rights reserved.
The unauthorized use or duplication of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited.